Adding More E to E-E-A-T: The Winners of Google’s Latest Update

The latest Core algorithm update from Google is set to be one of the largest and longest on record. Since its announcement on 5th March 2024 we have seen many small changes appearing in both how the search results are presented and what type of content or website is appealing to Google. In this post […]

The Rise of Video Results in SERPs

Video content is an important part of marketing strategies, spreading information, and has grown on social media for years. With the rise of video platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Google’s acquisition of YouTube in 2006, it’s no wonder this content type is becoming more integral to the results page. We’re looking into just how […]

Harnessing TikTok for Search in 2024

TikTok User

TikTok’s emergence as a preferred search engine, especially among Gen Z, is redefining the search landscape and presenting a clear alternative to Google. A survey by Her Campus Media reveals that over half of Gen Z chooses TikTok over traditional search engines like Google. This preference is largely driven by TikTok’s video format, relatable and […]