How to Incorporate Reddit into Your SEO Strategies

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The rise of Reddit, in Google organic listings, has been propelled with the latest core algorithm update (March 2024). But how does this community platform fit into your existing SEO marketing strategy? While we believe it should not take focus away from work increasing transactions or equivalent value from your company, the support from these platforms can be beneficial. Google looks to currently be favouring human created content, as opposed to that created with generative AI platforms, so having a presence within these spaces can only help your visibility efforts. See how to start contributing value within Reddit with the help of Escaping Gravity.    

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What Does Reddits Increase Mean for Brands?

From a brand perspective, reviews and forums can be a gold mine of untapped opportunities. Not only to reach your target audience when they need you most, but to understand their pain points and what they are seeking from a company such as yours. 

Often starting with a ‘Can I’, ‘Best way to’ or ‘Has anyone’ query, users are able to seek advice or validation from like minded individuals. We believe the sense of community is the strongest element to this equation, which could be why users feel safe asking such questions. 

Themes you can often extract from Reddit and forums include:

  • New editorial angles (eg. how to wear / when to use / best XYZ for)
  • New product development (NPD)
  • Competitor reviews 

Having your eyes in forums, can allow you to seek and communicate with your potential customers first hand. If you have the flexibility within your internal team, you can use these insights to your advantage when looking to expand your online presence to new and existing customers.

laptop showing Reddit subreddits users can contribute too

3 Ways to Include Reddit Into Your Marketing Mix

After discussing the importance of Reddit and its rise within Google SERPs, we now look at how you can include it into your existing marketing mix. 

As a first consideration, before diving into the platform, you need to decide who in your team will be the voice of your brand. Currently there are no ‘official’ brand accounts, so you’ll need to think who is in charge of the brand voice as well as how that username will be presented in Reddit. 

  1. Contribute valued thoughts towards existing subreddits – when you start, you will have no authority within the community. Building this presence will take time, meaning sharing thoughts little and often could be a beneficial method. 
  2. Gradually include references to your brand – as you become more trusted within Reddits community, you can begin to add references to your brand and how it can benefit the other users. Remember, you don’t want to appear like you’re spamming the subreddits!
  3. Once more established, include links back to your website – the final goal is to include links back to your site from Reddit. While this may be further down the process, high-quality links can only help harness your brand’s visibility.  

Our top tip for exploring the world of Reddit is to remember it’s not an overnight success or a quick acceleration to any of your existing marketing efforts. Like anything, it takes time to build trust within a community, so as long as you adhere to Reddit’s community guidelines and persevere to adding value, you may be rewarded for your efforts.

Navigate Organic SERPs Landscape With Escaping Gravity

Our dynamic team is ready to see how we can help you and your brand navigate the ever changing landscape of organic search. Keeping our finger on current trends, while predicting where the landscape is heading next, we work with you to develop a personalised SEO strategy that effectively works for your brand. Get in touch and take your first step to partnering with your next SEO consultancy today.